Thursday, December 18, 2008

Meagan's Christmas Miracle

So my little sister Meagan has been on bedrest for 3 months and she was finally released from prison, I mean, let off bedrest on Wednesday at 36 weeks. She made one trip to the hospital, to no avail, but is very close. So little Carter will probably make his debut into the world sometime today!!! I can't wait to see the the little one who has been so anxious to get here. I am just grateful that Meagan has been able to stay pregnant for as long as she has. What a blessing!!! We love you Meagan and Chase! Good luck!

1 comment:

Meagan said...

Thanks Britt! I would like to thank you for your wonderful support while i was in prison...i mean bed rest. :) I had so much fun when you came and visited me in the hospital and had a "girl party," and the TONS of fun when you came and saw me at home--and made me german pancakes:) are a great cook!